


Long Hauler Syndrome following Covid/Breathing Retraining.

Long Hauler Syndrome following Covid/Breathing Retraining.

August 11, 2022

Dr. Hillebrand has been working with patients with active and post Covid symptoms since nearly the beginning of the pandemic on the outpatient and inpatient rehab side. He focuses on retraining the way you breathe to improve lung function to allow you to better get oxygen to your tissues.

He also addresses the issues following Covid, including chest pain, upper back pain, headaches, brain fog, and generalized fatigue that occurs during and after Covid.

He utilizes evidence-based research to do this with a high success rate of 96% particularly in regard to the brain, fog, and shortness of breath.

Long hauler syndrome displays limited responsiveness to medication and some of the medications contribute to the symptoms that people experience following Covid, particularly corticosteroids like prednisone and difficulty sleeping.

Dr. Hillebrand has taught courses on respiratory dysfunction and post-Covid rehab nationwide.

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39 N US HWY 31

Whiteland, IN 46184

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